Seminars, seminars, seminars!!

February 21, 2011

The staff here at Cash Practice® have been very blessed to have the opportunity to attend some AWESOME seminars lately! We LOVE the fact that each seminar just makes us love chiropractic more and more. We truly are in an amazing profession that really is a lifestyle!

To start off the seminar binge, we through our own Cash Practice Academy- The Cash- Based Practice seminar. With speakers, Garrett Gunderson, Miles Bodzin, David Jackson, Jason Deitch, Ray Foxworth and Holly Jensen. This seminar was packed with nuts and bolts information that attendees could take home and implement Monday morning in their practice. The take home messages included: invest in yourself and your practice, add value to your life, facebook is AWESOME for marketing, compliance on discounting care is A BIG DEAL, and convenience for your patients creates life time WELLNESS patients.

Next, I had the pleasure to attend the CORE San Diego meeting with Miles Bodzin and my fellow CA and Cash Practice employee, Lori. This months speaker was the amazing and one of a kind Dr. Martha Nessler. She spoke about having a LOVE for chiropractic which was extremely fitting since it was Valentines day. The take home message could be applied to your personal life as well as your office– have a great relationship with yourself, have JOY, and remember that chiropractic SAVES LIVES!

Following up that was Cal Jam! This rock star event was HUGE and we had a blast hearing ALL of the amazing speakers. We even brought some of our newest staff members to have a crash course in Chiropractic philosophy and lifestyle! The end result was great! We love this profession and are completely dedicated to helping as many offices as possible save as many lives as possible!!!

Cash Practice Staff at Cal Jam

We are committed to the Chiropractic industry and will continue to immerse ourselves in the chiropractic lifestyle!


New ways to make suit you!

January 24, 2011

One thing our members love about is that if there is something they would like to have added or if they have any great ideas to make the systems easier and more efficient, all they have to do is let us know and we can usually add it! In fact, many of the additions to the website have come directly from requests from our members or their CA’s. As a CA in Dr. Bodzin’s office, I take great pride in knowing that my suggestions to the website can make a difference. Now you can too!

In an effort to see what our members REALLY want, we have added a feedback section to our website and our Facebook page! You can make your own suggestion or go to it and see what others have suggested and vote for the ones that you really like! Suggestions that have the most votes will be placed on a higher priority!

Let us know what you think! or you can leave feedback by going to our Facebook page and clicking the “Feedback” tab.


Cash Practice® Academy 2011

December 31, 2010

“The Cash-Based Practice”

February 11 & 12, 2011

San Diego, CA

Back by popular demand, The Cash Practice® Academy will be hosting another exciting, nuts and bolts seminar. We are making this one even bigger and better than before! We have brought on guest speakers Dr. Ray Foxworth, Garrett Gunderson, Dr. Jason Deitch, Dr. David Jackson, and Holly Jensen.  This seminar delivers the core skills and procedures for signing patients up to long term care. It makes learning how to transition patients to wellness care simple to learn and easy to employ.

Topics include:

Dr. Miles Bodzin“Mastering Your Day 1 & 2”: Dr. Bodzin will present the essentials to mastering the Day 1 & 2. This covers everything from x-rays to presenting you care plan recommendations, reviewing finances, and transitioning patients to wellness care.

Dr. David Jackson- “Speak and Grow Rich”: The founder of Epic Practice, an online coaching program for chiropractors, will transform your ability to communicate effectively.

Dr. Jason Deitch- “New Patient Marketing”: Co-author of Discover Wellness and founder of will be sharing is marketing expertise. He will show his state-of-the-art technology for maximizing your online presence with Facebook.

Dr. Ray Foxworth- “Discounting Compliance”: President of ChiroHealthUSA and a Certified Medical Compliance Specialist, Dr. Foxworth will show you how to legally do discounts for cash, under-insured and Medicare patients.

Garrett Gunderson- “New Rules for Wealth”: Mr. Gunderson, author of the New York Times Best Selling Book “Killing Sacred Cows”, will be sharing strategies for not just keeping your cash, but how to increase your wealth. This will be an eye opener!

Holly Jensen“Mastering Cash Plans”: Mrs. Holly Jensen, Director of Operations at Cash Practice Inc, will put her 10 years of experience in the chiropractic profession to work to show you how to create cash and cash/insurance plans.

This AMAZING event is $197 for 1 DC and 3 CAs until 1/31/11!

For more information or to register, go to


Why Should You Archive Payments?

December 4, 2010

It is very important to archive your payments in the Posted Payment Report Generator for many reasons. Having dozens and dozens of transactions from several weeks or even days can lead to the report taking much longer to load. Another reason is to prevent any confusion on exactly what payments were decline, if they were rescheduled and if they were accepted.

Remember: Archiving Payments does NOT delete them! Think of it as organizing your payments and storing them away in a file cabinet. You will always be able to access these payments at any time.

Here is our daily routine for payments that we do at the Chiropractic Wellness Center:

1) Lori comes in for her shift in the morning and checks the Posted Payment Report for any Auto Debits that ran. Remember that the fastest and easiest way to view your recent transactions is to simply go to the Payment Status heading on the home page. You can either upload this report into your integrated Third Party Software System (ex: Billing Precision, ChiroTouch, or Eclipse) or you can manually enter in these payments.

2) As the day goes on, any swiped transactions will be reflected here and we can see the total collections for the day so far.

3) When my evening shift is done at the Chiropractic Wellness Center, I access the Posted Payment Report via the shortcut shown above. You can either print this off or upload the report into your third party software. I do both so that I can match the credit card payments with our deposit slip in our end of day report.

4) I archive the days payments by checking the box with the check mark in it and selecting “Archive”

When Lori comes in to the office the next day, she knows that all of the payments shown are recent payments that need something done to them. If a payment were to decline, it will not archive until it has either been rescheduled, or you collected another form of payment and selected “cancel” in the action column. This prevents the instances that can occur if a payment declines and is less noticeable in the long list of transactions.

Remember: to access these archived payments all you need to do is go to the Auto Debit System drop down menu and select “Posted Payment Report Generator”. Enter in the search parameters and be sure to change the Storage type to “All”  and click “Search”. This also makes finding specific payments MUCH easier.

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment, give us a call (877-343-8950 ext. 102), or email

Helpful Hints for Cash Practice® Tools

November 19, 2010

One of the really cool (and often unknown) capabilities of Cash Practice is the use of the shortcut to the tools within the Auto-Debit System®.

By entering, you can quickly and easily be taken to a quick log in page where you select the specific tool that you want to use.


Then, the next screen will automatically open up with the Auto-Debit Scheduler™:

Too make this even more efficient, all one simply has to do is save a shortcut to on their desktop for easy access.

Another cool feature I wanted to point out, when selecting the Simple Swiper™, once you have completed the transaction, the window will automatically go back to the page where you can swipe a card. This means, once you are done swiping one person’s card, the tools is ready for you to quickly swipe another card without having to open any additional windows or click any other links.

Note: The page reload feature is only supported by Internet Explorer.

Just thought that I would share this awesome tool with everyone. I hope it makes your transactions even easier!


When is the right time to collect money?

November 12, 2010

As many of you know, it’s the little things that you do that make all the difference in your practice. Here is one of the those little things we do in our office that make a big impact.

Collect money first, schedule appointments last. This is set in stone in our office. Example: A patient has completed their first visit with Dr. Bodzin and now it is time for them to pay for their visit and schedule their Report of Findings visit. “Alright Jon let’s go ahead and take care of today’s visit and then we can schedule your next visit where Dr. Bodzin will review your x-rays with you. The total for today is $X.” Once you have done that, schedule for their next visit. This is so that when the patient leaves your office, they leave thinking about receiving care and getting better-not how much money they just spent.

If the patient pays with a card, we store this card on file for them in the Cash Practice Systems. This means that the patient will never have to dig into their wallet for that card in your office again. This is just one more way of removing the interferences that prevent people from staying well.

Welcome Dr. Margie Smith to the Cash Practice® Team!!!

October 29, 2010

I would like to introduce one of the newest members to the Cash Practice® team, Dr. Margie Smith.

Dr. Margie began here at Cash Practice® a few weeks ago and has had a very positive effect on our team already! In her first week here we replaced our traditional weekly staff meeting with an informative talk about Chiropractic and it’s philosophy. We love being constantly reminded about why it is we do what we do; Dr. Margie Smith really gave us a very powerful message. She really made us feel even luckier to be able to help chiropractors  in the mission to take care of as many people as they possibly can. In addition to helping us stay in tune and focused on the chiropractic message, she is helping with the sales efforts here.

Dr. Margie Smith is a very successful Chiropractor who has had not one, but two successful practices. She sold her practice to focus on being a brand new mom, yet still remains very active in the chiropractic profession. After seeing Dr. Bodzin at a CORE San Diego meeting and learning that he was looking to hire “chiropractically oriented individuals”, she joined the team in what she has called “Pure destiny!”.

Thanks to Dr. Margie Smith, the Cash Practice® Staff has learned even more motivating information about chiropractic and plenty of health tidbits (the staff can all be seen drinking ginger water now). We are sure Dr. Bodzin loves having someone in the office who is able to give him his weekly adjustments also! The following questions are to help you get to know her and hear some of her amazing advice!


How did you first become involved with Cash Practice?

Joining the Cash Practice team was a no-brainer for me!  Since we welcomed our first child, Kasia, into our family, I have always kept my mind open to what kind of work I can do to contribute to the profession, and stay home with her.  At Cash Practice, I’m able to have the best of both worlds – contributing to Chiropractic through a powerhouse company and be there for all the big milestones in Kasia’s life.  In the couple weeks I have been apart of the team, I can say I have already learned so much and feel my creativity kicked into high gear.  Everyone on the team is so positive, focused, on purpose, which is contagious!

What do you do here at Cash Practice?

Heading up some of the sales efforts and organization and continuing to build strong relationships for Cash Practice in the Chiropractic community.

How did you become a Chiropractor?

I was a Chemistry major at Purdue University and one semester, while I was registering for the next semester classes, I asked my counselor what some career options were with my degree.  He said a strong option was to go to Medical School.  I had a very strong reaction to his suggestion – I thought I was going to vomit! Not because I or anyone I love has ever had a bad medical experience, but I felt strongly that I was not a fit for the medical philosophy on health.  I did enjoy the idea of working with and helping people so I researched every other health care profession and after lots of shadowing Chiropractic offices, I was sure this was the profession for me!  I gave myself at least a year in Chiropractic college before I decided either way if I would move forward, but I was hooked from the moment I began college.  Although challenging at times, I loved Chiropractic college and absolutely love being a Chiropractor!  My family and I are healthier, happier, and stronger people b/c of Chiropractic!

What motivates you?

My parents are Polish immigrants who always instilled a strong work ethic throughout me and my brother’s lives.  When my father moved to the US, he didn’t speak English and had few friends or family who were established in America.  Today, he has successfully owned and operated a machine shop for the last 26 years.  My mother works side by side with him to ensure the business runs smoothly.  My parents’ journey not only gives me a huge sense of pride, but also motivates me to do my best everyday.  I have been given an amazing life because my parents worked so hard and overcame huge obstacles.  My hope is that one day, our daughter will look at my husband, Lauren, and I with the same motivation and inspiration.

What are your other interests?

I love to laugh!  My husband, Lauren, is one of the funniest people I know and our daughter, Katherine, cracks us up every day!  I love funny movies, stupid humor, and silly jokes.  I love to entertain and have a house full of people.  I love to cook, try new recipes, and learn new cooking tips and techniques.  I’m not a great baker yet – I’m working on it.  I enjoy being outdoors – I like to play volleyball, rollerblade, run, take long walks on the beach, go to farmer’s markets – I’m up for anything!

It probably sounds cheesy, but I love being from a strong cultural background.  One fun fact most people don’t know about me is that English was not my first language, even though I was born and raised in Chicago, IL.  Until we started elementary school, my brother and I only spoke Polish.  We went to Polish school, had Polish friends, ate Polish food, even had My Big Fat POLISH Wedding.  My family has given me a lifetime of material if I ever want to start a career as a stand-up comic – plus my brother and I have perfected our Polish accents over the years!  Our daughter, Katherine or Kasia (“Katie” in Polish), only hears me speak Polish to her b/c I would love to pass along our family’s culture to her.

What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment in the profession?

One of my proudest accomplishments is opening a Chiropractic practice right after I graduated from Logan.  It was my first full time job ever to have my own business and I am so thankful I chose to open a practice right away.  My first practice, Total Balance Chiropractic, was very active in the Chicagoland community – we even won the Outstanding Community Service Award from our neighborhood’s Chamber of Commerce!

What advice would you give to any new DC’s starting out?

Get to know your fellow Chiropractors.  Networking and mentoring are key in a successful career.  Not only do you feel involved and included, but you can also learn so much from other Chiropractors in practice.  You naturally will become who you surround yourself with so choose the best of the best.  Our sense of “family” is one of the things I love most about being a Chiropractor.

What advice would you give to any CA’s?

Learn to be a sponge.  Chiropractors are a pretty passionate bunch and we constantly want to share all of our knowledge with our team members.  CAs are an extension of the doctors – what you say and do are as if the doctor is saying or doing it.  So make sure you know what you are talking about and be willing and open to new philosophies and ideas.  Make sure you are strong and commanding b/c even Chiropractors need a reminder to stay on our purpose everyday.  Be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make any assumptions, and DO YOUR BEST! (Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements).

Dr. Margie Smith as a Flower Girl

Dr. Margie, her husband Lauren, and their daughter Kasia


Immediate Action Steps

October 15, 2010

Here is a message from Dr. Bodzin about an amazing event coming up! It’s one day PACKED with amazing ideas and speakers!

My dear friend Dr. Lee Wood, along with myself and Dr. Jason Deitch will be speaking in San Diego on Thursday, October 21st for an unforgettable day filled with camaraderie, growth, inspiration and practical information to help take you to your next level of success!

“Please join Dr. Lee Wood, Senior Consultant for The Masters Circle, business growth expert and internationally recognized speaker on Thurs, October21st in San Diego, CA.  From 10 AM – 4 PM.

Special Guest Speakers: Miles Bodzin, DC & Jason Deitch DC

ome of his class topics include: A Clear Vision and a Higher Purpose, The Growth Pathway and Three Policies to Ensure Enthusiastic Patients.
What’s in it for YOU?
  • Specific action steps for immediate implementation the very next day!
  • Six strong and detailed hours covering important information regarding profitability, relationships, and overall practice success!
  • Excellent time to team build and share in a day of personal and professional growth with your team – staff and spouses are welcome!
  • One day – no hotel room nights to book, no airports – no hassle!
  • Camaraderie – come meet new friends and catch up with old ones in an energy-rich, growth-oriented environment!
  • The incredibly positive impact this day will have on your practice – leaving you on a success “high” and ready to make the necessary steps to take you from where you are to where you want to go!
  • $39 per person for Masters Circle members and their staff/spouses
  • $39 per person for students
  • $79 per person for guests and their staff/spouses
**All registrations include a networking luncheon**
For questions, details or to register you and your staff (if you haven’t done so already), please call Vanessa at 800.451.4514, Extension 125.

See you there!
Yours in excellent service,

Miles Bodzin, DC
CEO Cash Practice Inc


Get to Know a Cash Practice® Staff Member

October 8, 2010

This edition of Get to Know a Cash Practice® Staff Member we will introduce Lindsay!

Lindsay first became acquainted with Dr. Bodzin and his staff in December 2007 as an x-ray intern at The Chiropractic Wellness Center. She quickly made lasting relationships with the staff. After becoming a licensed X-Ray Technician, Lindsay found that the work was not fulfilling and gave Dr. Bodzin a call. As luck would have it, Cash Practice® Inc was hiring. She became a team member in late 2009 with duties that include Auto Debit System® trainings, Technical Support and creating all manuals. She is currently creating an up-to-date manual on how to do anything and everything within the Cash Practice® Systems.

Lindsay is always coming up with great ideas and is always willing to help. Her sense of humor keeps everyone at the office entertained. She is currently engaged and lives with her fiancé, and her cat.

Here are some questions Lindsay answered to help you to get to know about her a little bit better!

Official Cash Practice Duties: all training, front lines in tech support, user manual creator and updater

Unofficial Cash Practice Duties/Titles: comic relief

Favorite moment with Cash Practice: our birthdays are the best we get food and CAKE!

Funniest moment with Cash Practice: looking back on it, the funniest moment is the time I was suck in Texas on my way back home from a TMC seminar in Florida, but at the time I didn’t find it one bit amusing

Questions that you’re the best at answering when it comes to Cash Practice: almost anything and If I don’t know the answer I will find it!

What you seen in the future for Cash Practice: treadmill desks (Note: Many of us here at the Cash Practice offices can be seen walking on miniature stair climbing machines while doing trainings)

Favorite thing about working at Cash Practice: all the good times and laughs we have

Strangest/funniest call/question you have gotten: How do I use Cash Practice if I don’t have a computer?

Cash Practice “Blooper” or “Boo Boo” : I was leavening a voice mail message for a client and I started to give them my home phone number for them to return my phone call too… oops!

Something you have done that you are most proud of since working at CP: Im proud of the fact that I know Cash Practice with my eyes closed-I can do tranings in my sleep!

Marykay, Dr. Bodzin, Holly and Lindsay on Halloween

Go Cash Now!!!!

October 1, 2010

Dr. Miles Bodzin, Dr. Tony Palermo and Dr. David Jackson just finished up these awesome recordings! If you missed the special message from Dr. Bodzin telling everyone about them, here it is:

“Do you ever get the feeling that insurance companies just don’t like
us chiropractors?

All kidding aside, I don’t know of anyone in our profession that
actually thinks insurance reimbursement is going to improve anytime
in the near future, or who enjoys the degradation, pleading, begging
and compromises that accompany most insurance reimbursement.

Do you?

In fact just yesterday I read (another) disturbing article about how
a huge insurer in the Mid Atlantic States won’t cover adjustments
(of course they don’t call them that) of the cervical spine anymore.

The reality is that Insurance is a pain most of the time and it isn’t
getting any better.

Did you invest your time, energy and money to become a ‘doctor’
only to be told by a ‘clerk’ what you can or cannot do for your
patients?  I know I sure didn’t!

Chiropractors are hurting and asking one major question:

“Can you help me GO CASH?”

The answer of course depends on who you ask!

Most docs will tell you that having a predominantly cash-based
business would be nothing short of incredible… reduced stress,
reduced overhead, increased collections and patients that actually
value your care and are willing to pay cash for it!  Who wouldn’t
want that?

Unfortunately, they’ll also tell you it’s just not possible.


“If you knew what we knew, you’d do what we do”

If you asked me or Dr. Tony Palermo or Dr. David Jackson the same
question… “Can you help me GO CASH?” you’ll get an entirely
different answer:


You see, between the three of us, we have over 58 years experience
in running very successful cash-based and 100% cash practices and
we’ve individually been teaching chiropractors the secrets of exactly
how they can do the same for years.

Well, good just got better… a lot better!

Along with Dr’s Tony Palermo and David Jackson, I’ve been working on
a powerful new audio program that will revolutionize your practice and
your financial life by sharing with you everything you need to know to

Help Me Go Cash NOW!

It really isn’t hard.  It’s definitely not ‘impossible’.  You simply need
the correct recipe!  If you know all of the right steps and systems
proven to work in today’s economy, you can reproduce the successes
that we and countless clients have enjoyed.

So, ask us (like thousands of doctors have):

“Can the three of you Help Me GO CASH?”

The answer is- we guarantee it! (Literally)!

We’ve put together a short 6 minute video that shares all of the
details on how you can grab this incredibly valuable program now
for a ridiculously low investment.  Check it out now:

Help Me Go Cash NOW!

This is the program that the profession has been waiting for! It’s
been created for doctors like you by three of the top cash docs in
the world.  It’s easy, it’s convenient to use, it’s incredibly affordable
and it works!

Doc, even if you are currently enjoying a cash-based practice you
can and will benefit (hugely) from this program.  As a matter of fact,
each of us took pages of notes chock full of great ideas that we each
learned from each other as we created this program!

Check it out today and be collecting more cash tomorrow!

Talk Soon,

Dr. Miles

P.S.- we have a very special (and very limited) offer for those who
act now so check it out and let us Help You Go Cash!”