Posts Tagged ‘Auto-Debit System’

Get to Know Your New Cash Practice® Trainer, Sarah!

May 27, 2011

We have recently added three more superstars to our Cash Practice® team. It’s only fitting that we allow you to get to know them! This week we will be getting to know the youngest member of the team, Sarah Feigh. You get to hear all about her experiences here at Cash Practice® Inc. so far.

Brief Bio: My name is Sarah Feigh and I’m 21 years old. I grew up in Nevada until I was adopted at the age of twelve and moved to sunny San Diego with my two sisters! I am a part-time student working on getting my degree in psychology; it is my dream to assist children who’ve had traumatic things happen to them. When I have free time I enjoy reading Stephen King novels, playing video games, and hiking!

Official Cash Practice Duties: Tech and Member Support

Unofficial Duties/Titles: Staff Meeting Note Taker, Proofreader

Favorite Moment With Cash Practice®:I love our daily meetings where we discuss only GOOD things that have happened throughout the day! It’s inspirational to hear about the positive things that have been happening with our members!

Funniest Moment With Cash Practice®:After our seminar in February we all began to pack everything up, but the music continued to play and watching everyone lose their inhibitions and get their ‘dance on’ was hilarious!

Favorite type of questions: I am confident in answering questions about any of the three systems but I especially like to assist members in creating their own campaigns and broadcasts to send out! It’s fun to see the creative side of our members.

What you see for the future of Cash Practice®: It is very exciting to be a part of such a growing company. Cash Practice is an amazing business, but it’s also a lot more than that! I feel so good about coming to work every day knowing that we are helping to spread chiropractic to more people! I think Cash Practice will continue to grow and grow and grow! CP TAKE OVER!! 🙂

Favorite thing about working at Cash Practice® Inc.: We work hard and we play hard! I love the relationships that everyone has within the office, we’re coworkers yes, but we’re also friends and what could be better than working with all of your friends?

Strangest/Funniest Call/questions you’ve gotten: I like when people call because their password isn’t working… and they have caps lock on! They always feel silly and we have a good laugh together usually!

Cash Practice Blooper: I have to laugh at myself when I answer the phone in the afternoon with “Good morning!” or vice versa… I also tend to accidentally spill water a lot!

Most Proud Of:I am so proud of myself for having such a good handle on the Cash Practice® Systems. It is nice to answer the phone confidently and help our members successfully! I also am proud to be doing training sessions with our members!


Next time you call in and speak to Sarah, ask her if she has spilled any water lately 😉

Going Green with Cash Practice®

May 24, 2011
Going through too much paper at your office? Want to go 100% paperless? The Cash Practice® Systems make it easy to use less paper in your office no matter the reason!
When running one-time payments, either with the Simple Swiper™ or the Virtual Terminal, you can have the system automatically email the patient their receipt. This will save you the hassle of printing out a copy for them. You can even keep the patients’ signature on file so you don’t need to keep a signed copy. We made it easy for this to be done!
Go to Training & Support –> Bonus Materials and Articles–> Bonus Tools–> EZ Payment Authorization Form. This takes you to a customizable Word document to have the patient sign. So, if for some reason they are not on an auto-debit but need to be charged every time they come into your office,all you need to do is charge the card on file and the system will automatically email the patient a receipt. Everything is done for you without the need of using up paper or having the patient take out their wallet.

Helpful Hints for Cash Practice® Tools

November 19, 2010

One of the really cool (and often unknown) capabilities of Cash Practice is the use of the shortcut to the tools within the Auto-Debit System®.

By entering, you can quickly and easily be taken to a quick log in page where you select the specific tool that you want to use.


Then, the next screen will automatically open up with the Auto-Debit Scheduler™:

Too make this even more efficient, all one simply has to do is save a shortcut to on their desktop for easy access.

Another cool feature I wanted to point out, when selecting the Simple Swiper™, once you have completed the transaction, the window will automatically go back to the page where you can swipe a card. This means, once you are done swiping one person’s card, the tools is ready for you to quickly swipe another card without having to open any additional windows or click any other links.

Note: The page reload feature is only supported by Internet Explorer.

Just thought that I would share this awesome tool with everyone. I hope it makes your transactions even easier!


Cash Practice Staff Member

September 24, 2010

It’s that time again! Time to get to know Lori!

Lori is currently employed at both Cash Practice® Inc and at The Chiropractic Wellness Center. She first began working for Dr. Bodzin as a Chiropractic Assistant in January 2007. She was promoted to Office Manager in November 2008 and continues at that position today. In late 2009 she began working part time at Cash Practice® Inc as a Member Support representative. Her duties include Auto Debit System® Trainings, technical support with superior knowledge of the Drip-Education® System, data entry, and staying in touch with prospective Cash Practice® Members.

Lori is married and the proud mother of two children. She enjoys camping at the desert with her family and riding quads and dirt bikes. She delivers excellent customer service in both offices and is very easy-going!

Official Cash Practice Duties: NMO CPC ADS and DES training, Filing, Lead follow ups, Tech support ordering office supplies

Unofficial Cash Practice Duties/Titles: IDK I will jump in and do anything to help anyone in the office

Favorite Cash Practice moment: Employee gatherings they are always unpredictable, but tons of fun

Funniest moment with Cash Practice: When I am at the Cash Practic office and I answer the phone Thank You for calling the Chiropractic wellness center. Or vice versa it always makes the clients laugh.

Questions that you’re the best at answering when it comes to Cash Practice: Anything that has to do with the Auto Debit System or Drip education

What you seen in the future for Cash Practice: This company has an amazing goal to help every office that would like to be cash based and we are going to help them all.

Favorite thing about working at Cash Practice: The wonderful people that I work with and the doctors and staff that I am lucky to train and help with tech support questions.

Cash Practice “Blooper” or “Boo Boo”: I guess this would be the same as my funniest moment.

Something you have done that you are most proud of since working at CP: I started here in August of 2009 working only 6 hours a week answering the phone as the operator. I would only take messages or transfer the calls. Now I am doing every training that we offer and I can answer just about all the questions that come into our office. I feel that I have come a long way in just a year. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for the company and myself!


Lori's wonderful kids!


Get To Know Senior Tech Support: Alissa

September 14, 2010

It’s that time again for a post to learn more about a Cash Practice® staff member. Alissa is one of the original staff members from when Cash Practice® first started out of the back of Dr. Bodzin’s chiropractic office.

It all started when Alissa moved to San Diego from Oklahoma in 2008 to be with her husband who is in the Navy. Before moving, she was a Chiropractic Assistant for four years and was employed by a member of Cash Practice®. Upon moving, he gave her the advice to give Dr. Bodzin a call to see if he was hiring. As luck would have it, a staff member was going to be going on maternity leave so Alissa was hired part-time as a Chiropractic Assistant in the mornings and began her training at Cash Practice ® in the afternoons. As Cash Practice® began to grow she became a full time employee of Cash Practice® with many duties including: senior tech support, billing, and training new and existing members.

At the end of 2009, Alissa and her husband moved back to Oklahoma where they currently have two kids, Marley and Emma (their dogs). Fortunately, she is still able to work for Cash Practice® with us!


Alissa and her husband Kylan


She answered a few questions for me about her experiences working here at Cash Practice®!

  • Official Cash Practice Duties: I have my hand in a little of everything with Cash Practice. I’m head of the tech support team. I help members with their memberships and billing and I also do training of all new and existing members.
  • Favorite moment with Cash Practice: We have so many good times together, but I would say when we are not working and having a pool party or holiday parties at Dr. Miles’ house.
  • Funniest moment with Cash Practice: Most of my funniest times are when I am gone at a seminar with Holly. She will always keep you laughing. We never have a dull moment.
  • Questions that you’re the best at answering when it comes to Cash Practice:  I can answer all questions related to tech support, membership, billing and training. Which is basically EVERYTHING? =)
  • What do you seen in the future for Cash Practice: I am lucky to be one of the first 3 amigos starting up cash practice and I’m so excited to see it grow and be the “GOTTA” have system for Chiropractors around the US and more!!!
  • Favorite thing about working at Cash Practice: The feeling you get when a new doctor signs up with our system and their company grows and they start having more and more lifetime practice members!! Feels so awesome to know that with our system and our help, it happened!
  • Strangest/funniest call/question you have gotten: I would have to stick with the password question. It’s so awkward when it’s a bad/nasty word.
  • Cash Practice “Blooper” or “Boo Boo”: When I was still working in San Diego, there were so many times I was leaving for the day and would come back in looking for my sunglasses and they were on my head. I do that all the time.
  • Something you have done that you are most proud of since working at CP: Help grow the company. Starting with just me, Holly and Laura in a little office in the Chiropractic office to our own big office and now to moving out of state and maintaining my position and still creating and growing the company is so awesome!!


Alissa with Dr. Miles Bodzin and Linsday at The Master's Circle in Florida


Get to Know Your Cash Practice® CEO and founder

August 27, 2010

It’s time for everyone to get to know the man behind the amazing Cash Practice® Systems.

Miles Bodzin, DC

During his senior year of college (1989) Dr. Miles decided engineering was just not his true calling. It lacked purpose for him. After some serious soul searching and goal setting, the chiropractic profession chose him. He just knew it was the right thing for him.

While going through his chiropractic education, Miles returned to the computer by becoming his class note taker. Although not programming, he used the Mac Classic to write over thirty-five sets of class notes. He became known as “Miles Notes” by the time he graduated. Some of the teachers even used his notes for teaching the following years. Rumor has it that some of the books are still being used today, over 15 years later.

Dr. Bodzin graduated with honors in 1993 and after a brief internship, purchased a practice the day he got his chiropractic license. Like a lot of new doctors, it was just him and his wife working in the office. Today, in the same office, he runs a very successful cash-based practice with two support staff and six massage therapists. In addition to practice, he was very active in the local Chiropractic Association where he last served as a Vice President. He also served two-years as the editor of the San Diego Chiropractor journal, winning Best Society Journal both years. That eventually led to the 1995 Outstanding New Doctor of the Year award from the California Chiropractic Association.

Through extensive trial-and-error testing, Dr. Bodzin developed a very successful model for running a profitable, low-stress, fun cash based corrective & wellness care chiropractic practice. He then developed software to automate many of the systems he created. Just for fun, Dr. Bodzin placed the prototype of the first software program he created, the Cash Plan Calculator™, on eBay. To his surprise, he was able to sell 200+ copies within a few months. The feedback he was getting was remarkable. Doctors we’re signing up more patients and making more money almost immediately.

Dr. Bodzin pulled the prototype off the market and developed the online version of the Cash Plan Calculator System™ working night and day for three weeks. He launched in May 2003 and as they say, the rest is history. began growing so much that it was eventually time to move out of the chiropractic office and into a new home. 2008 marked the christening of the new office space. Dr. Bodzin and Cash Practice® Inc. have been awarded numerous achievement awards that are a mark of their success.

Dr. Bodzin answered a few fun questions that I thought were very informative and pretty entertaining!

Official Cash Practice Duties: As CEO of Cash Practice Inc I have many important duties, most important being providing the company’s vision and direction.  I remember when we we’re a new company and were still running it out of one room in my chiropractic office.  It seems so long ago now.  But we would talk about our future plans and how we would one day be “corporate”.  You know, an office with cubicles and stuff like that 🙂  Picture the show “The Office”.

Unofficial Cash Practice Duties/or titles:Although I’m CEO of the company I’m still doing the hands on stuff, like putting together the office furniture and cubicles 🙂

Favorite Moment with Cash Practice: My favorite moments are many.  I love the creative process in the software programming.  Whenever I need to escape, I just put on my ipod and start creating.  I love the thrill of working with a great team and building a great company.  I love hearing from our members how their lives and practices are so much better as a result of working with us.  I love knowing that thousands and thousands of people are getting chiropractic care they would not have otherwise received had their doctor not been a Cash Practice member.  I love the fact that we are making a difference in the lives of so many people.

Funniest Moment with Cash Practice: I would have to say when we were at The Masters Circle Super Conference a few years ago.  It was Halloween, so we all dressed up.  I was a “pimp” and the girls were – well you know.  It was really funny.  I was all blinged out.  Another funny thing was when we were in Ft. Lauderdale, we went for some Pizza.  Holly thought she was shaking cheese onto her pizza.  Turned out to be garlic salt.

Questions that you’re the best at answering when it comes to Cash Practice:I think I can answer most any question in regards to Cash Practice.  I’m the developer for goodness sakes 🙂  Well, let me rephrase that.  I am sure Laura (our Director of Merchant Accounts) knows a few things about the merchant accounts better than me.  But I will say my favorite topics to discuss are the Business Principles that Cash Practice is based on.  The software is great, however it’s in its ability to make implementing our business model so easy that makes it magical for our members.

What do you see in the future for Cash Practice: My crystal ball says Cash Practice Inc has many great things to come.  Stay tuned 🙂

Favorite thing about working at Cash Practice: My favorite thing about working at Cash Practice is that is has given me the freedom to help so many more people than I could ever do myself in my own practice.  It has also given me the freedom to not be tied to a location or a schedule.  Having a business that serves mankind (like practice) and allows me to control my life – it’s truly the American Dream come true.

Cash Practice “Blooper” or “Boo Boo”: I almost had a heart attack a few years ago.  I was doing some development work on the site and was working with the database.  I was running some code and for a brief moment I thought it had deleted the entire database.  I literally went into shock – sweating, palpitations, racing heart, nausea – the whole enchilada.  After a brief moment that seemed like an eternity I realized that I was mistaken and that everything was fine.  But I have to say – even though we have backups, it scared me to death.  You can all rest easy knowing that your data is safe and backed up 🙂

Something you have done that you are most proud of since starting Cash Practice: I have so say I am very proud of the reputation we have gotten.  I travel all over and everywhere I go I hear great things about our company and especially our team members.  I am so proud of each and every one on our team.  There is no way I could run this company at the level we’re at without them.  They say behind every successful man is a woman rolling her eyes.  Well in my case, there’s many, many, many eyes rolling 🙂


The girls with "eyes rolling"


Are You PCI DSS Compliant?

November 27, 2009


                Many chiropractors who run a cash-based practice are making a mistake that can cost them tens of thousands of dollars… and they don’t even know it! The major card brands, including Visa and MasterCard, established the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) in response to security breaches at businesses both large and small. The PCI DSS created security guidelines that merchants must follow in order to reduce the risk of cardholders’ data being stolen, either by hackers, thieves or even employees. Failure to follow these guidelines can result in fines as high as $25,000 per incident. In addition to that fine, merchants can be held financially responsible for any fraudulent use of the card data. Worst of all: compliance with these guidelines is not met by many common mistakes!

                  If the way that you transmit or store the cardholder data can result in breaches of cardholder data security without your knowledge, you are vulnerable to theft and hacks which can result in extreme losses to your business and customers. This means, that if you store the cardholder data in a log book, file cabinet, tickler-reminder system, or spreadsheet with the purpose of entering them into a credit card machine every month, it is a clear violation. If the full account number can be seen from the system that you use, then it is not PCI DSS compliant.

                Don’t think it can happen to you? Hackers and thieves see small businesses as easy targets because they are less likely to be unaware of PCI. Even high profile companies are vulnerable to credit card security breaches:

  • CardSystems Solutions, Tucson, AZ- 40 million cards stolen
  • Bank of America- loses 1.2 million customers records from stolen backup tapes
  • BJ’s Wholesale Club stores- 8 million members; unknown how many credit card numbers were stolen
  • T.J. Max- 45 million credit card and debit card numbers stolen.

Want the good news? Since June of 2005, it has been your responsibility to protect your business and follow these guidelines. As Cash Practice® System members, you are meeting the PCI requirement to not keep credit card information on file. Protect your company and your customers against fraudulent activity! Want more information on how this is being done? Be sure to read next month’s blog about the security steps that the Cash Practice® System takes in order to keep you PCI DSS compliant.  If someone you know is violating the security standards, be sure to have them call us at (877) 343-8950 to see how we can help!

Become a fan of our Facebook page!

Auto-Debit System™ Update (PPRG & ADRG)

February 4, 2009

Auto-Debit System™ Updates

A number of updates to the Posted Payments & Auto-Debit Reports have been done.

1. The green Comments on the Auto-Debit Report & Posted Payments Report are now numbered and formatted to be more readable.

2. The way we handle deleting auto-debits has been improved. You still delete an auto-debit the same way as always by clicking the blue “X” on the Auto-Debit Report Generator™ report. However, instead of the auto-debit actually being deleted from the database the auto-debit status will now be updated from Active to Cancelled. This way a record of all your scheduled auto-debits is kept forever. When we we’re actually deleting the auto-debit from the database, you could no longer see a record of it other than looking at the Deleted Auto-Debits Report. From this point on, the action of deleting an auto-debit will Cancel & Archive it instead, thus allowing you to search the cancelled auto-debits in the Auto-Debit Report Generator™.

3. The Auto-Debit Report Generator™ report now has an [Auto-Debit Changes] link that will be displayed in the Comments column. Clicking the link will display any recorded changes to the auto-debit, including when it is cancelled.

4. When an Auto-Debit is Complete or Cancelled, the date of the last payment scheduled is displayed. Previously, only the date of the next payment was displayed for active auto-debits.

5. The Deleted Auto-Debits Report has been updated to record both the Client & Billing name. Previously, only the billing name was recorded. The [Auto-Debit Changes] link is also diplayed on this report as well as the red System is in Test Mode warning box.

As always, we greatly appreciate your support. If you have any suggestions for upgrades, please feel free to let us know.

Yours in excellent service,
Miles Bodzin, DC
CEO Cash Practice® Inc.

Printing Multiple Receipts

February 4, 2009

Printing Multiple Receipts

Want to print TWO Virtual Terminal or Simple Swiper™ receipts on a single sheet of paper? Now you can! Do you want to use a Receipt Printer (like the ones used with credit card machines) with your Virtual Terminal & Simple Swiper™ receipts? Now you can! To select how you print your receipts, go to the Auto-Debit System™ Setup -> Step 6.

Legal Auto-Debits (PCI Compliance)

February 1, 2009

You may be breaking the law and not even know it!

Do you store credit card numbers in your office so that staff can key-enter them into a credit card terminal each month? If so, you have to read this free report now!

Download the free report at

The Auto-Debit System is a PCI DSS Compliant system offered by