Archive for February, 2011

Seminars, seminars, seminars!!

February 21, 2011

The staff here at Cash Practice® have been very blessed to have the opportunity to attend some AWESOME seminars lately! We LOVE the fact that each seminar just makes us love chiropractic more and more. We truly are in an amazing profession that really is a lifestyle!

To start off the seminar binge, we through our own Cash Practice Academy- The Cash- Based Practice seminar. With speakers, Garrett Gunderson, Miles Bodzin, David Jackson, Jason Deitch, Ray Foxworth and Holly Jensen. This seminar was packed with nuts and bolts information that attendees could take home and implement Monday morning in their practice. The take home messages included: invest in yourself and your practice, add value to your life, facebook is AWESOME for marketing, compliance on discounting care is A BIG DEAL, and convenience for your patients creates life time WELLNESS patients.

Next, I had the pleasure to attend the CORE San Diego meeting with Miles Bodzin and my fellow CA and Cash Practice employee, Lori. This months speaker was the amazing and one of a kind Dr. Martha Nessler. She spoke about having a LOVE for chiropractic which was extremely fitting since it was Valentines day. The take home message could be applied to your personal life as well as your office– have a great relationship with yourself, have JOY, and remember that chiropractic SAVES LIVES!

Following up that was Cal Jam! This rock star event was HUGE and we had a blast hearing ALL of the amazing speakers. We even brought some of our newest staff members to have a crash course in Chiropractic philosophy and lifestyle! The end result was great! We love this profession and are completely dedicated to helping as many offices as possible save as many lives as possible!!!

Cash Practice Staff at Cal Jam

We are committed to the Chiropractic industry and will continue to immerse ourselves in the chiropractic lifestyle!