Cash Practice Cari

Greetings from Italy! I will be giving you updates of my travels for my study abroad! I don’t have many pictures due to my trip not starting off so great. After a delayed flight, luggage lost  (twice), missed trains (because of the luggage-twice!), broken trains and a few hysterics (okay maybe a lot) I arrived in Rimini, Italy 9 hours after my originally scheduled time–with no luggage. But I have it all back now and we are on track!!

I brought along a special someone called Cash Practice Cari as well! Here are some pictures of our adventures so far!

Since Cash Practice Cari is a superhero, she decided to ride outside of the plane. Oh the things you do when you are bored!

Part of an old historic road that used to be traveled on.

At one of the biggest churches in Italy in Bologna. I decided to take a drink from the drinking fountain. That water is better than bottled water!

The most amazing Pesto pasta I have ever had in my life!

Finished up with some gelato!

The first university ever. Bologna, Itlay

I have many more pictures to add but the internet here is not wanting to cooperate with me tonight! There will be more pictures to come!

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