Archive for May, 2011

Get to Know Your New Cash Practice® Trainer, Sarah!

May 27, 2011

We have recently added three more superstars to our Cash Practice® team. It’s only fitting that we allow you to get to know them! This week we will be getting to know the youngest member of the team, Sarah Feigh. You get to hear all about her experiences here at Cash Practice® Inc. so far.

Brief Bio: My name is Sarah Feigh and I’m 21 years old. I grew up in Nevada until I was adopted at the age of twelve and moved to sunny San Diego with my two sisters! I am a part-time student working on getting my degree in psychology; it is my dream to assist children who’ve had traumatic things happen to them. When I have free time I enjoy reading Stephen King novels, playing video games, and hiking!

Official Cash Practice Duties: Tech and Member Support

Unofficial Duties/Titles: Staff Meeting Note Taker, Proofreader

Favorite Moment With Cash Practice®:I love our daily meetings where we discuss only GOOD things that have happened throughout the day! It’s inspirational to hear about the positive things that have been happening with our members!

Funniest Moment With Cash Practice®:After our seminar in February we all began to pack everything up, but the music continued to play and watching everyone lose their inhibitions and get their ‘dance on’ was hilarious!

Favorite type of questions: I am confident in answering questions about any of the three systems but I especially like to assist members in creating their own campaigns and broadcasts to send out! It’s fun to see the creative side of our members.

What you see for the future of Cash Practice®: It is very exciting to be a part of such a growing company. Cash Practice is an amazing business, but it’s also a lot more than that! I feel so good about coming to work every day knowing that we are helping to spread chiropractic to more people! I think Cash Practice will continue to grow and grow and grow! CP TAKE OVER!! 🙂

Favorite thing about working at Cash Practice® Inc.: We work hard and we play hard! I love the relationships that everyone has within the office, we’re coworkers yes, but we’re also friends and what could be better than working with all of your friends?

Strangest/Funniest Call/questions you’ve gotten: I like when people call because their password isn’t working… and they have caps lock on! They always feel silly and we have a good laugh together usually!

Cash Practice Blooper: I have to laugh at myself when I answer the phone in the afternoon with “Good morning!” or vice versa… I also tend to accidentally spill water a lot!

Most Proud Of:I am so proud of myself for having such a good handle on the Cash Practice® Systems. It is nice to answer the phone confidently and help our members successfully! I also am proud to be doing training sessions with our members!


Next time you call in and speak to Sarah, ask her if she has spilled any water lately 😉

Going Green with Cash Practice®

May 24, 2011
Going through too much paper at your office? Want to go 100% paperless? The Cash Practice® Systems make it easy to use less paper in your office no matter the reason!
When running one-time payments, either with the Simple Swiper™ or the Virtual Terminal, you can have the system automatically email the patient their receipt. This will save you the hassle of printing out a copy for them. You can even keep the patients’ signature on file so you don’t need to keep a signed copy. We made it easy for this to be done!
Go to Training & Support –> Bonus Materials and Articles–> Bonus Tools–> EZ Payment Authorization Form. This takes you to a customizable Word document to have the patient sign. So, if for some reason they are not on an auto-debit but need to be charged every time they come into your office,all you need to do is charge the card on file and the system will automatically email the patient a receipt. Everything is done for you without the need of using up paper or having the patient take out their wallet.

Cash Practice® Excellence in Service Award– Most People Enrolled in a Care Plan

May 6, 2011

The winner in the category of Most People Enrolled in a Care Plan for this quarter is [drumroll]….. Dr. Milton O’Brien!

Dr. O’Brien is the owner of two family owned and operated Wellness Clubs in San Francisco. His clubs incorporate Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Pilates, Personal Training, and classes like Yoga, Core Strengthening, Zumba, Spinning, and TRX. These clubs also include full gyms with all of the bells and whistles.

His clubs are 99% cash and 1% Personal Injury. Dr. O’ Brien says that the 1% are “usually practice members involved in an auto accident”.

Here is a preview to hold you over until the actual interview is released:

“Like most D.C.s I was a ‘fee for service’ doctor until 2004 when the insurance industry wasn’t worth the stress and staff involved in collections.  A fellow doctor referred me to a Modesto chiropractor, John Baker who offers a seminar on cash collections and I found his seminar about 70% on target.  But the biggest drawback was in collecting all the monies upfront from the patient.  I was never comfortable with this. Out of every 10 new patients 3 would commit and 7 would walk out the door.  That turnover was unacceptable to me.  It wasn’t a good business model for San Francisco.  Via networking at his seminar I heard about a San Diego based chiropractor named Miles Bodzin who had a new business called Cash Practice.  I called Miles that Monday and, after a long conversation, hung up the phone and it came to me on how to complete my circle.  Now out of 10 new patients we sign up 8.  EFT allows for a seamless collection on a monthly basis instead of having to get new patients to commit to full payment upfront.

Cash Practice was integral to the perfection of my business model.  “

Dr. O’Brien is currently working on opening up a 3rd location in San Francisco.

Stay tuned for the audio of the detail-packed interview!